Mr Alain BASTOLA is an associate broker and real estate agent, CEO of the real estate company “alain-realty”. He is dedicated to helping buyers and sellers across the city. He loves the local aspect of real estate and spends time discovering and sharing the urban community with his clients, including parks, neighborhoods, changing trends, and resources like restaurants and music venues.
Mr Alain BASTOLA has been chairman of the board of directors as well as manager of a few buildings in downtown Kinshasa over the past five years. He is also active in the community as a volunteer and donor for the Children’s Place cause. His designations include a certificate as an international real estate specialist. Clients are impressed with his tireless work, negotiation skills and business acumen. They appreciate his communication skills, knowledge and ability to help them achieve their real estate goals.
Job title: Real estate agent and CEO of ALAIN-REALTY.
Job Description: Specializing in leasing, sales, management and residential listings, with related general real estate transactions.
Time in profession: 9 years.
Attitude: Positive and enthusiastic attitude. Is not a complainer and does not give excuses. Constructive criticism of programs and ideas with which he disagrees. Someone who knows when to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
Work habits: Autonomous and hardworking. Prepare your day in advance. Spend just enough time
his office to manage the administration; spends the rest on productive activities outside the office.
Judgment: Directs his efforts towards areas that are stable and profitable for himself and the company. Wastes little time in non-essential marginal activities.
Appearance: Keeps fit and cut. Professional dress code.
Professionalism: Maintains the highest ethical standards when working with
customers and associates. Member of the National Association of Realtors and very active in the local chapter.
Knowledge of the job: Keeps abreast of all trends relating to his profession. Very familiar with the community and its resources. Keeps abreast of total housing and office inventory
Creative Ability: Able to devise innovative ways to solve problems. Respects tradition, but not bound by outdated concepts.
Human Relations: Gets along well with people from all walks of life. Truly committed to equal opportunity for all. Likes to solve “people’s problems”. Associates appreciate his willingness to help when needed. Able to maintain professional objectivity in dealing with issues; do not overidentify.
Communication skills: speaks and writes clearly. Master the important art of listening.
Growth Potential: He has the leadership ability to be an exceptional broker and the technical skills to excel in any specialized area he may choose. Will has to be well prepared to achieve future goals due to the diversity of activities he engaged in as an agent in rental, sales and property management.
Alain Bastola
Real Estate Agent/Broker/Owner, Alain – Realty.
Office : +243 817 474 866
Mobile : +243 85 445 2501
WhatsApp : +243 817 474 866
Email :
Progress & Stats
Property Location
- 33% Congo DRC
- 33% Kinshasa
- 23% Gombe
- 11% Others
Property Type
- 37% Residential
- 29% Apartment
- 10% Villa
- 25% Others
Property Status
- 68% For Rent
- 32% For Sale